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Thread: Intel atom N450 graphics

hello all.

i'm new in world. last night installed ubuntu 12.10 on asus eeepc 1005px. brilliant expected video. have installed 1024 mb ram. , ubuntu sharing 32 mb. when windows xp sharing 340 mb , windows 7 sharing 256. in bios don't have option change value of shared video memory.
32mb lagging , not can't watch. if have advices me how share more video memory bee welcomed.

cpu intel atom n450
chip set intel nm10
memory 1024 ram ddr 2 @ 667mhz.

thank in advance.

the graphics dynamic meaning grows , shrinks needed. ubuntu frugal , need 32mb while other os's need other amounts. anyways ubuntu thing, need lighter os xubuntu or lubuntu. trust me fly on alternatives.

Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Hardware [ubuntu] Intel atom N450 graphics



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