Log in impossible / Immediately Logged out from Creative Cloud



i have problem creative cloud. have 1 year student subscription adobe cc. i'm using creative cloud on imac , on macbook pro. running perfectly, today after doing update on macbook pro, not connect cc anymore. when tried connect, instantly wrote : have been logged out (see image). when try open programm photoshop window appears , tell me register products…

capture d’écran 2014-03-20 à 10.53.58.png

how can fix this? thank you

hello after chatting adobe technician. have resolved problem.


1. click finder.

2. choose go > go folder.

3. type: ~/library

4. hit return

5. navigate to: application support/adobe/oobe

6. under delete opm.db file.

7. restart cc desktop application , sign in.

8. accept privacy policy adobe , it's done!



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