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Thread: Alternate keyboard/mouse shortcuts

i have laptop not have media keys, used keyboard shortcut gui make:
f8 - play/pause
f9 - track back
f10 - track forward

however, when plug in external keyboard, have media keys, still have use f8-10 keys instead of media keys, since had re-assign them.

there way of creating multiple shortcut possibilities same function? f8 play/pause, play/pause button on external keyboard. additionally, i've got logitech vx revolution zoom slider cool map system volume.

i'm on ubuntu 12.10 gnome3.


try xdotool, can fake keypresses

i'd try configure play xf86audioplay (multimedia key) , f8 custom shortcut runs
xdotool key xf86audioplay
if works, standard keyboard able send fake multimedia signal recognized default settings.

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