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Thread: how do i migerate Apps,App settings and p.c configuration

from linux noob=
1) how migerate a)apps,b)app settings , c)p.c configuration new hardware---?
(i know can export list of installed softwares , import new pc),i want preserve app-settings ,and changes+tweaks make o.s,

in windows copy "c:\users\user-abc\appdata" =to get,app settings,and
export appropriate o.s configuration registry new sytem=to get,o.s configuration settings , tweaks

in linux=
1)migerate apps=export list of installed software,and import new system
2)export configuration of apps=?
3)export configuration of o.s , tweaks make=?

copying home directory start.

of application configs , tweaks have made live in home folder (/home/$user/) hidden files.
can see hidden files opening file manager , hitting ctrl+h.

Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] how do i migerate Apps,App settings and p.c configuration



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