Acrobat usage

hi there,


i'm interested in using acrobat. until i'm not familiar wanted have information few things me know.

so can consider concrete usage of it.

can use acrobat in our webservice? a

nd how handeled licences here?
do need livecycle server generating/saving pdf-files , import/export data pdf-files?

about how have pay such livecycle server? maybe orientation.

i coudln't find number or didn't info yet.


and additional costs can caused using server?
of course underestand if no exact cost can named here, maybe smbdy can tell pricecategory habe prepared herefor.



advanced, lot,

thanks posting question.

it's impossible official answers on licensing, because that's job lawyers. here seems have come out of discussion.


1. acrobat personal use only. not allowed on server. technically unsuitable.

2. livecycle isn't 1 product, whole range, server products , desktop. livecycle pdf generator makes pdf files , server product. don't know mean import/export data. pdf generator has conversion formats (surprisingly, given name).

3. prices of livecycle products negotiation salesman. there isn't price list. never seen prices discussed paid, might contractually protected.  i'd imagine @ least 5 figures (us dollars). there 3 different editions of livecycle pdf generator doubtless have different pricing. postscript-only edition cheapest.

More discussions in Acrobat Feature Requests



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