CSS Style Sheets

please, implement ability define style sheets edge reflow.

if you're mocking multiple pages, copying , pasting styles across hundreds of elements totally impractical.

if implemented css style sheets muse, set styles , apply , change them globally mock-ups.

much more real world , wholly practical.

you have style sheet can hand developer.

conversely, developer hand style sheet , import edge reflow.

i'm new edge reflow, first thing struck me missing.



also, why not enable edge reflow import designs html/css combo? can take static design , make responsive...

classes , reusability on our bucket list. 1 of desired feature requests get.


that said, first improving code output receive reflow, , allow tackle of issues raised.


since preview product, reflow's ability open html/css outside sources has not been possible previously. matures , support more features, i'm sure we'll increase our support opening outside files, @ time, still developing product.

More discussions in Edge Reflow CC Preview



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