MacOSX (10.9): Print dialogue box does not appear when printing PDF's

hi there,


i've been having troubles latest version of adobe reader on intel-based macbook pro running macosx 10.9 (mavericks).


environment details:

device type: macbook pro

osx: 10.9 (mavericks)

adobe reader version: 11.0.06




after installing reader 11.0.06, print dialogue box not appear through print button or through file -> print... . result, cannot print pdf documents when using adobe reader.


- 1 macbook pro affected

- print dialogue box does appear other application (i.e. preview, word, excel, etc., etc.)

- multiple restarts performed

- attempted download older versions no success

- attempted multiple uninstall/reinstalls

- reset cups printing system multiple times

- validated account accessing/using reader has full administrative privileges adobe reader application

- occurs multiple pdf's various sources

  -> online source

  -> converted word


additionally (i'm unsure if related or not), after trying perform update, receive following error:

an unimplemented or obsolete function called



any appreciated.



hi there,


just bumping thread more visibility.


if has thoughts, i'd more appreciate advice!



More discussions in Acrobat Reader



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