Photoshop elements 12 Editor has stopped working

why getting message photoshop elements 12 editor has stopped working?

please try couple of probable solutions mentioned below:


solution 1:

1. close elements.

2. launch photoshop elements welcome screen , hold down ctrl + alt + shift click editor.

3. continue hold keys until see message box asking if want delete photoshop elements settings file; click yes. elements open default preferences.


solution 2: in case network printer attached try launch without network or printer uninstall or make different printer default.

solution 3: try launching anti-virus off or removing pse conflicting list.


solution 4:


on drive on have installed pse,on machine on c:


go  c:\program files\adobe\photoshop elements  12\locales\<locale>\plug-ins\import-exportand find twain  plug-in. remove plug-in location , copy somewhere  else.


now launch pse , check if works.

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