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Thread: Sixaxis failing to connect

i'm having issues sixaxis, using sixpair can update registered bluetooth address, when connecting on bluetooth controller rumbles bit, lights flash , sixad throws following message:

sixad-sixaxis[3142]: started
sixad-sixaxis[3142]: connected 'playstation(r)3 controller (00:06:f5:4f:bb:ca)' [battery 00]
sixad-sixaxis[3142]: bad sixaxis buffer (out of battery?), disconneting now...
sixad-sixaxis[3142]: force disconnect of "00:06:f5:4f:bb:ca"

happens 3 of ps3 controllers, including 1 came machine, , 1 boxed retail version , can promise have full batteries.

if have qtsixa running come in box, without signal/battery statuses.

have thoughts?

i can't having same problem. main qtsixa forum thread huge , there seems big mixed bag of working , non-working set-ups.

Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Hardware [all variants] Sixaxis failing to connect



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