Illustrator CS5 javascript JPEG export 300 DPI & max quality

i new illustrator cs5 scripting (javascript) , i'm trying export .eps .jpg.  image quality 8 , dpi 300.


i've seen several post asking (only few answers).  answer aren't working me though.

i found post saying can't done ( it's pretty old.


when run script have saves dpi of 96 higher minimum mentioned in post above.


thanks much.  snippet script below...

var targetfile = new file(fullfilename);

if(!targetfile.exists) {
    var type = exporttype.jpeg;
    var saveoptions = new exportoptionsjpeg();
    saveoptions.qualitysetting = 80;
    saveoptions.horizontalscale = (300/72) * 100;
    saveoptions.verticalscale = (300/72) * 100;
    saveoptions.antialiasing = false;
    saveoptions.optimization = false;
    app.activedocument.exportfile(targetfile, type, saveoptions);


you'll have reduce size of resulting image file achieve resolution want. did similar , file expected 416.67% larger original. when reduced 24% of size, resolution 300 ppi.


screen shot 2014-03-27 @ 1.55.42 pm.png

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