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Thread: grub-install mysterious message "source_dir doesn't exist"

i have multiple distros installed , wanted move grub newest one: ubuntu 13.04
did did no longer works.

$ sudo update-grub
runs ok , puts grub.cfg @ /boot/grub

$ sudo grub-install /dev/sda
produces following error:
"source_dir doesn't exist. please specify --target or --directory"

info page grub-install useless. tell me did.
information regarding --target , --directory incomprehensible.

update-grub seems looking "" cannot find.

quote posted kornelix view post
i have multiple distros installed , wanted move grub newest one: ubuntu 13.04
did did no longer works.
what did exactly? how did "move grub newest"? , why? distro handling grub before "moved' grub?

Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Installation & Upgrades [ubuntu] grub-install mysterious message "source_dir doesn't exist"



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