How can I import a UV map into PS 3D?

hello, have odd question.  i've worked photoshop 3d bit, have noticed causes considerable lag.  i'm wondering if there way "dumb down" 3d capabilities of photoshop save on computer power, still have access attached uv map , texture. 


this i'm trying do...


i want import 3d object uv map attached when click on object, can change texture of object within photoshop.  question - can someway import uv map normal 2d photoshop element texture wrap around object can change texture @ time?  or there sort of way "flatten" 3d object can still swap out textures not able rotate longer?  if i'm able that, think computer resources not taxed don't need rotate or view in 3d space, able have texture wraps around object based on uv map, , able swap out other textures.


anyways, i've tried few different things feel impossible.  thinking of maybe using warp tool, time consuming , cannot seem work smart objects. 


any suggestions on figuring out helpful.  thanks.

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