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Thread: Backup Question

hello. not sure section post in, if in wrong section apologize. looking use backup utility, maybe rsync or scp copy files in directories machine. can no problem what-so-ever. problem having want able delete files on machine received copies , not have them created again during next backup.

in case confusing. want copy /example-directory/* (lets says contains file1 file2 file3 file4 file5) user@remote-host:/example-directory/. want able delete files copied (lets file1 file2 file3) on remote-host. then, next time backup runs, not want files deleted copy again. lets between backup 1 , backup 2 files file6, file7 & file8 created. though file1, file2 & file3 deleted want contents of example directory on remote host file4, file5, file6, file7 & file8.

hope makes sense. thank in advance help.

the man page of rsync describes --exclude-from=file

--exclude-from=file     read exclude patterns file         --exclude=pattern               option simplified form of --filter option defaults exclude rule               , not allow full rule-parsing syntax of normal filter rules.                see filter rules section detailed information on option.         --exclude-from=file                option   related --exclude option, specifies file contains               exclude patterns (one per line).  blank lines in file , lines starting ’;’ or               ’#’ ignored.  if file -, list read standard input.
you can enter names of deleted files file, , best thing make script @ same time delete files.

easier delete files don't want both target , source. after all, if don't need backup copy, why want keep original file? can use unison synchronize source , target.

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