Trouble Uploading to Social Websites

everytime try upload video social websites warning comes , says isn't available! maybe has "offine" says when first open program. if so, how go online. if not, how fix problem , why happening?

please, need asap!



since mention "social websites", assuming using premiere elements 12. on computer operating system running?


there recent epidemic of upload youtube within premiere elements issues appear resolved. during epidemic vimeo

continued work ok. choice under social websites facebook, vimeo, youtube? of them not working?


for troubleshooting purposes, let focus on youtube


a. please update premiere elements 12.1 update (see menu/updates in premiere elements opened project).


b. determine if can export timeline file saved computer hard drive , can upload file youtube

at youtube web site (for file suggestion, please see publish+share/computer/avchd , 1 of presets choices)


c. go premiere elements 12.1 edit menu/preferences/web sharing , refresh online services.


d. if system uses router, turn off router 30 seconds , on. assure integrity of internet

service provider if necessary.


please review, consider, , let know outcome.


thank you.



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