Opacity drop down arrow in clip

i confused on function of 'opacity drop down arrow' on top of each clip. after looking @ pip guide, assuming when pip used? choice of 'motion" 6 submenu options relating pip think. other choice 'opacity' seems on/off? function see when 'position' choice in ' motion' submenu clicked, that  yellow line in clip moves down, there no change in appearance of clip. other choice 'stabilizer' 4 submenu choices (smoothing etc). guessing audio? explain function of 'opacity' drop down arrow @ top of each clip?




please take @ introduction of blog post go detail video , audio "rubberbands".


if referring to, short answer question is....


you set can video or audio clip rubberband choice in clip title drop down. how set choice clicking on tiny triangle in title of clip.

motion (moving rubberband or down mouse cursor)

scale 100 0%

rotate 0.0 90x359.0 or 0.0 -90x359.0

constrain proportions (on , off)

anti flicker (0 1.00)


more on position , anchor point later.


by default, video clip set opacity , audio clip set volume. once set, mouse cursor, can drag "rubberband" (orange line running horizontally across clip) or down change opacity 100% 0% or change volume 0 db increase sound above or below volume audio recorded at.


this feature has no exclusive ties pip (picture in picture). pip guide refer in post?


if go further topic, involve keyframing can done @ timeline rubberband level. , keyframes seen @ timeline level white dots can created , adjusted there. without keyframing, property applied whole clip. keyframing, can vary property differs @ different portions of clip. opacity, volume, position et al considered "properties".


please let me know if above ok. if not, clarify , add it.





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