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Thread: D programming review or testimonial.

i know experience d programming on how projects , different paradigms in action. i'm new programming , haven't got plenty idea of programming paradigm meaning oop, meta programming , others don't remember now. impression language enough thinking learning before c but, right ? ( experienced point of view ).

i not have experience d , not person hoping hear from. however, have experience several other languages , question of how start programming particular interest of mine. have 2 things say.

modern, "serious" programming languages equivalent. have loops, functions, strings, numbers, libraries. if you're learning program book or course, should spend more time learning how use these concepts rather learning how write them in particular language. distinction inevitably gets little muddled, unavoidable, take-away here language except deliberately obtuse (malbolge, intercal, java, etc.) fine. if have particular reason picking d -- go it! if not, well, there's no convincing reason recommend d as learning tool on next language, make decision based on how can find , answers programming-related questions.

first programming language not 1 ever use. won't 1 use most; wasn't true me. when you're learning program first time, , have choice of language, don't waste time finding 1 has features think may need; pick helps learn, , started. maybe in few weeks-to-months, you'll read article particular programming technique , learn how in language of choice -- or maybe you'll find language makes easier , pick one. don't need know buzzwords or programming paradigm of week write programs; need willingness learn.

in summary, you're not wrong thinking these issues, shouldn't wait answers before start learning. asking language opinions on internet forum asking sand in desert anyway, , informative answers deal concepts don't yet understand. start learning first, ask questions arise. luck.

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