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Thread: Is changing the size of the mouse icon/pointer possible ?

my wife suffers age related macular degeneration (amd), , main problem using laptop not being able see mouse icon easily.
other issues, contrast , general brightness have been sorted, , she's happy appearance of screen, 1 detail.

i've noticed while 'skating' finger on touchpad while trying find it, prone click on something, , frustrated sudden appearance of new windows/actions didn't intend. part of might oversensitivity of touchpad, i'm not sure that.

if possible make mouse pointer bigger, without altering else, have solved problem.

can done, , if how ?


you can change cursor size using dconf-editor
in terminal window, run install if don't have it:
sudo apt-get install dconf-tools
navigate org.gnome.desktop.interface , change cursor size value.

Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Other Discussion and Support Assistive Technology & Accessibility Is changing the size of the mouse icon/pointer possible ?



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