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Thread: Samsung Series 3 NP365E5C-S03US Windows 8 + Ubuntu Dual Boot Success!

for of have heard of (wow quick comment, don't new vb board, i'd rather have old one) uefi firmware bug samsung series laptops haven't encountered it, if have np365e5c , want dual-boot windows 8 , ubuntu 12.10 64-bit here's how did it:

1. disable fastboot under advanced, disable secure boot, , change boot mode uefi , legacy in uefi/bios (under boot believe) area (press f2 during startup). if windows won’t boot, sure change boot load options , change windows boot loader.

note: step 1 must done 3 must changed in order work!!!!!!!!!!!

2. shrink drive c in windows 8, via disk management (window key + r , type in diskmgmt.msc), size want: 60gb sufficient me

3. use usb thumb drive , ubuntu 12.10 64-bit , use unetbootin rip drive used version 583 latest @ time of posting.

4. reboot computer, press f10 , select usb key.

5. during install may want wipe hard drive, don’t this! instead change else. make new partition / ext4 , using area says free space, set size want minus @ least 2gb (or 2048mb) swap, add swap what’s left of free space (i 4096mb of swap). leave grub install on /dev/sda

6. make sure you’re connected internet , install!

7. reboot.

8. when starting computer have press f10 , either select ubuntu or windows. windows still default on mine booted windows make sure worked. rebooted , select ubuntu. have each time grub2 wouldn't pick on windows 8 installation me.

post install:

may notice graphical glitches when start ubuntu, go amd's site , download amd catalyst 13.1 drivers - open terminal , install linux-headers-3.5.0-17-generic , linux-headers-3.5.0-17 drivers. unzip catalyst 13.1 zip file , change permissions have execute via:

cd downloads
chmod +x ./amd[press tab here , auto fill].run

run sudo:

sudo ./amd[press tab here , auto fill].run

follow installation window when appears. reboot , viola ubuntu 12.10 64-bit windows 8 64-bit dual-boot =d no bricks yet =d

thanks this, try out in week end. have gotten series 3 np370r4e-s06. drawbacks in experience? i've not used windows since 2010.

Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Hardware [ubuntu] Samsung Series 3 NP365E5C-S03US Windows 8 + Ubuntu Dual Boot Success!



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