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Thread: using readf in D

hi guys! i'm writing little program in d version did homework written in c. doesn't work well. first takes 2 reads first input user , second calculates tcsleep. compiled gdc , dmd , got same result. thank in advance!

import std.stdio; import std.c.stdlib; void main() { immutable sitc = 1.66; immutable sleepc = 1.08; float tcsleep, tcsit, tc; int minsleep, minsit; write("input number of minutes sleep : \n"); readf("%d ", &minsleep);  write("input number of minutes sitting : \n"); readf("%d ", &minsit);  write("thanks!\n"); tcsleep = minsit*sitc; tcsit = minsleep*sleepc; tc = tcsleep+tcsit; writeln("your total calories : ", tc); exit (0); }


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