Why is my FPS inconsistent?

god bless, i'm pretty new @ flash please bear me; having trouble annimation made on pivot animator , exported , copied onto flash. noticed when playback annimation slow , when try change fps not consistent, meaning changes itself, example put fastest go(120 fps) , saw changing aninmation played: 9.21 fps, 8.30 fps, 10.12 fps, every frame. please explain should do. thanks.

there's no simple one-step fixes advice can given.  , it's possible animation complex nothing can done improve fps you're seeing.


that said, here excerpt book wrote (flash game development) , things increase fps:


easiest hardest implement

  1. do not use filters.
  2. always use reverse for-loops , avoid do-loops , avoid while-loops.
  3. explicitly stop timers ready them gc (garbage collection).
  4. use weak event listeners , remove listeners.
  5. strictly type variables whenever possible.
  6. explicitly disable mouse interactivity when mouse interactivity not needed.
  7. replace dispatchevents callback functions whenever possible.
  8. stop sounds enable sounds , soundchannels gc'd.
  9. use basic displayobject needed.
  10. always use cacheasbitmap , cacheasbitmapmatrix air apps (i.e., mobile devices).
  11. reuse objects whenever possible.
  12. event.enter_frame loops: use different listeners , different listener functions applied few displayobjects possible.
  13. pool objects instead of creating , gc'ing objects.
  14. use partial blitting.
  15. use stage blitting.
  16. use stage3d.


greatest least benefit

  1. use stage blitting (if there enough system memory).
  2. use stage3d.
  3. use partial blitting.
  4. use cacheasbitmap , cacheasbitmapmatrix mobile devices.
  5. explicitly disable mouse interactivity when mouse interactivity not needed.
  6. do not use filters.
  7. use basic displayobject needed.
  8. reuse objects whenever possible.
  9. event.enter_frame loops: use different listeners , different listener functions applied few displayobjects possible.
  10. use reverse for-loops , avoid do-loops , while-loops.
  11. pool objects instead of creating , gc'ing objects.
  12. strictly type variables whenever possible.
  13. use weak event listeners , remove listeners.
  14. replace dispatchevents callback functions whenever possible.
  15. explicitly stop timers ready gc.

16. stop sounds enable sounds , soundchannels gc'd.

More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General



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