Changing Captivate 6 playbar or widget in real-time

searched forum , did not find answer this, here goes.


we developing elearning material played on mobile desktop devices (probably more , more common today). captivate default playbar tiny when viewed on ipad example.


so took note there mobile playbar , podplavbar widget.


my question this, there way detect device output playing on, , perhaps on first slide, select 2 different widgets or playbar skins? - widgets swf. these converted html5 if publish option appear on mobile devide ipad?

assuming desktops displaying flash version , mobile devices html5 version, can go in , provide set of larger graphics html5 playbar in custom playbar , cause html5 playbar larger, e.g. 2x size of flash playbar in same course.


the playbar templates in captivate program folder in templates/playbackfla folder.  in folder 2 folders, as3 flash source different playbars, , html html5 sources playbars.  inside folders separate named folders each playbar style.  pick 1 , copy folders different name, edit contents.  if change playbars, copy html changes same folder names in (for english captivate) en_us/gallery/playbars/html.  flash version, copy swf file en_us/gallery/playbars/as3.


the icon goes on top of stack , glow layer button highlight on rollover/down supported.  "small" buttons have "small" after each of names: shadowsmall, strokesmall, colorsmall, shadesmall, innerstrokesmall, glowsmall, innershadesmall.


the bar background background.png, tiled , optimally should height of bar - height.png height of bar - doesn't matter in long height right.  thumb.png , thumbbase.png graphics scrubber background , thumb graphic.


an easy test resize these images double size (although may want recreate them vector sources make them better) in html version see larger sizes.

More discussions in Adobe Captivate



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