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Thread: HOW-TO: Schedule Downloads using DownThemAll

hey there,

there's trick schedule downloads using downthemall!, if ask me, dta fastest download manager available ubuntu users, flareget great, doesn't integrate firefox unless pay it. ( edit: does, wrong, adnan-kamili know that, can integrate flareget firefox flashgot, have download flareget it's site, not ubuntu software centre. you'd better use flareget or internet download manager 5.05 under wine, work fine, trick has problems. )

know that, if close downthemall without pausing downloads, downloads resume upon starting downthemall again, so, happens if make downthemall our homepage, , schedule firefox open on right time? that's it! ( lovinglinux, know how make downthemall our homepage )

that's it, make

our homepage, then, need script start firefox @ time want to, then, shut system down @ specified time.

open gedit or other text editor , write these :

#!/bin/bash  sleep [time want script wait]  sudo shutdown -h [shutdown's time]  firefox
as example, imagine 5:00 pm now, , want our downloads started @ 1:00 , want our system shutdown @ 7:45 am, we'll write our script this:

#!/bin/bash  #sleep time equals time between 5 pm , 1 am, 8. more options of sleep command, see sleep --help sleep 8h  #24 hours clock sudo shutdown -h 7:45  firefox
you're done writing, save .sh file, then, can run via terminal this:

sudo sh /path/to/file/

note: must run root, else, ask password when comes run shutdown command, won't work.

known issue:

resets firefox add-ons.


(for persian / farsi users:
دوستان فارسی زبان هم میتونند از این لینک استفاده کنند)

flareget integrates firefox fully, without cost. install flashgot addon , choose flareget list.

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