Thread: Trying several 13.04 *buntu's
had lot of time on hands weekend decided testing on t61 thinkpad "was" dual booted win7 , ubuntu 12.04. on ubuntu partition tested several different versions of 13.04, xubuntu, ubuntu/unity, , ubuntu/gnome. did not include lubuntu in mix. tested extensively @ 12.04 , found hard customize liking.
overall, each installed quite nicely , operated bug free. here quick observations.
interface , prefer use it. however, hud pain , 1 reason why can't.
yes, uses resources.
have liked distro, it's old friend, comfortable , known , polish has improved on past few releases.
wish ditch out of box splash screen @ login time bit more attractive.
hoping see 3.8 not case. however, few gnome extensions nice. 1 (dash dock) keeps dash visible time unity comparable product.
seems use less resources unity.
in end, going keep ubuntu gnome since me, it's little bit better other two. but, still xubuntu![]()
this personal preference being expressed. let hope can expressed in way dignifies have different opinion.
hud not pain when not used , not use it. again if , when ubuntu touch device might find hud useful.
regards ubuntu gnome, did install ppas? find unity better laid out gnome shell 3. move mouse top left corner of screen reveal launcher , move mouse bottom of launcher reveal dash. movement of mouse liking. grid icon should @ top of launcher , not bottom. likewise search panel should @ top left not in middle.
each own. , let thankful have choice.
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