Internet Explorer Unsupported video type or invalid file path? HTML 5



first salute people out there answer questions in these forums. thank you! have been more helpful web design class.


here problem. cannot internet explorer play video files. says unsupported video type or invalid file path. have added .htaccess file mime types, , included .mp4, .ogg, , .webm. have included smaller resolution mobile. or pointers appreciated.


if explain me in idiot proof way how add flash support step step site great. have searched on internet, read many tutorials, used free code makers, , still cannot flash work.


first website, please go easy on me!


site address 


thanks everybody

perhaps obvious question, flash plugin installed on browser you're using? not 'universal' used be?

if wantt o add flash fallback on video (this needed if user on old browser , had flash installed) add following code after 4 video tags have far:

scroll down section  "graceful degradation" goes on how add flash video stack.

More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum



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