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Thread: I am tired of Konqueror not starting in file management mode!

file magement mode has 2 sections, 1 left showing folders , right shows files inside folders etc...

isn't happening anymore did on previous versions of kubuntu.

doesn't work:

konqueror --profile filemanagement

kfmclient openprofile filemanagement

kdesudo -c "konqueror --profile filemanagement"

kdesudo -u myuser -c "konqueror --profile filemanagement"

have go menu , select every time want use it.

12.04 lts updated latest stuff made sure konqueror date.

worked fine in previous versions why have screw ? leave alone!

not saying konqueror doesn't start, it's not in file management mode.

, happened clipboard paste clicking right , left mouse buttons @ same time?

, what's desktop icons new kde? mouse on , lame menu pops , screws you, move icon around if aren't careful instead of starting program, talk annoying. why? leave alone!

in case finds google search, way around frustration new "plasma" silly desktop concept install desktop called "trinity desktop". it's kde done bunch of developers me , hate did kde stupid stuff. think redmond sent infiltrators on work on new kde plasma try mess bad no 1 want run ubuntu anymore! it's awful !! (but that's opinion, sure mac people think it's great, little know life great desktop like).

if tired of lame things happening on desktop, try this. (look around sites)

followed instructions "precise [ubuntu 12.04] lts (v3.5.13.1)" , works!

when done, log out , on log in screen asks password need choose "tde" instead of kde meaning ""trinity desktop environment". it's little icon left on computer, lets choose desktop start with, on when log in have tde !

works did in old desktop , konqueror working great in file management mode.

still can't middle click paste function before ran out of time trying figure out, it's got setting hope because use time.

so...... - karma - if helped you, please go else know!


fix middle mouse button click paste, install:

sudo apt-get install gpointing-device-settings

run terminal , select "middle button emulation".

works! don't know works , didn't have log in again.

developers said "there's not lot of two-button mice around anymore" , took out, not guys !!! stop screwing works!

Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Desktop Environments [kubuntu] I am tired of Konqueror not starting in file management mode!



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