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Thread: Steam Crashes half way through downloading Skyrim

i running ubuntu 12.04 , have downloaded wine ubuntu software center. installed steam no problem valves website. after installed steam, went download skyrim. gave few hours download, , downloaded 50 percent. steam crashes. not steam crash, wine not open up, configuration or anything. tried open firefox, said open. restarted computer , gave me errors relating tmp folder not being set up. luckily, system fixed itself, when tried run steam again, downloaded 56 percent, happen again. not know why happenning.

have downloaded steam , skyrim through playonlinux, deleted because performance terrible. beleived improper 3d drivers, not test using wines suggested method because play on linux put skyrim in strange place. have relatively new computer amd fx-6300 cpu, radeon 7770 gpu, , 8 gb of ram. have newest radeon drivers , have downloaded d3d9 skyrim along .net, not think problem because skyrim not done downloading.

fear sort of memory leak, or wines steam directory running out of space, way out of comfort area , have no idea on how test theory.

used disk play on linux, opted download time.

ubuntu noob, if not obvious. in fact, primary computer still windows 7. @ least until linux gets more native support.

are using wine run steam?

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