First time user - missing features

today tried muse. not develop website prototype website.


first of all, impressed how fast , easy build website prototype muse. designer muse great deal provide better layouts clients developers.


but came across severe limitations:



it not possible use installed open type fonts on computer.

i see high potential designers use muse prototyping.

designers want use corporate fonts of clients.


there has way incorporate fonts installed on system.

also should possible render fonts installed.


to create image out of installed fonts should when publishing site should possible use available fonts. in particular case foundry form sans open type fonts did not work!


also, people use webfonts not available @ typekit. there many more foundries.

in addition comment above should possible use webfont.



responsive design

that's missing



embedding videos

i shocked 1 cannot embed videos.

there should widgets available. ready go in muse.



baseline grid

yes, old school designer. design websites in indesign because have control on typography. therefore photoshop , illustrator seemed weak me. muse change this. first, need access fonts , second want have baseline grid!




like in indesign wish there possiblilty duplicate , insert offset! can create additional grids guides without placing guide guide...



i hope in charge going read , these suggestions find way product. sure, muse can wonderful prototyping software.

i'll let more experience respond details, in general, challenges you're facing aren't limitations of muse, limitations of web design overall. websites don't yet have ability such detail in print world. take example request baseline grid. challenges involved in displaying webpages "accurately" across many factors, including browser choice, monitor resolution, page size, window resizing, page zooming... not starting mobile devices out there... these factors make such precision impossible @ stage of game. so, baseline grid, may line on monitor during design , creation, there virtually no way ensure design across other possible media. (unless create print, pdf it, , embed on page.)


designing web different animal. 1 day more standardized print has become on hundreds of years. until then, muse pretty darn job, in opinion. fact they've translated web design terminology print terminology (line-height vs leading) great first step!


that said...


i'd love step , repeat!!  suggestion on one! ;-)

responsive design in works, believe.


you can embed videos youtube , vimeo. there widget in widget library > social either of services. if go adobe muse exchange (there link on library tab inside muse), there more video widget options download , install.


lastly, regarding fonts, many of adobe type kit fonts available, should have access own system fonts. not sure why wouldn't show you? muse render images text containers using non-web fonts.


hope helps...

More discussions in Ideas for features in Adobe Muse (Read-Only)



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