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Thread: Apache2 password protect "/var/www" root folder


we're running ubuntu server 12.04 , apache2 serve out webpage , it's running fine. however, owner of site password protect entire website including homepage located in /var/www folder. i've been able password protect "subfolder" below root no problem, e.g., /var/www/testfolder or /var/www/forms i'm unable root folder (/var/www) password protected using similar setup.

i'd read it's best avoid using .htaccess file method , instead modify httpd.conf file in /etc/apache2 folder specify folder(s) should password protected. so, created password file named "passwords" using htpasswd utility , stored password file in new folder created isn't located on website (/usr/local/apache). edited httpd.conf file in /etc/apache2 folder , contains following lines -

<directory "/var/www/testfolder">
authtype basic
authname "restricted"
authbasicprovider file
authuserfile /usr/local/apache/passwords
require user testuser
allow [the computer @ ip doesn't need authenticate]
order allow,deny
satisfy any

httpd.conf file above lines sucessfully password protects "testfolder" folder. if change top line of httpd.conf config point "root" /var/www never receive password prompt.

i've tried lot of variations on <directory "/var/www"> line try work , after made each of test modification stopped , restarted apache2 server. i've tried - <directory "/var">, <directory "/var">, <directory "/">, <directory "/var/*">, <directory "/var/www/*">, etc. i've tried quite few more variations listed above none of them seems work. once again, if change <directory line /var/www/testfolder or other subfolder password prompt every time on subfolders.

tried giving on "var/www" folder , instead edited "default" file in "sites-available" folder , changed document root /var/www /var/www/testfolder once did "testfolder" lost it's password protection while once again subfolder below "new root" password protected.

haven't made modifications apache2.conf file located in /etc/apache2 folder. website root folder have own special set of permissions or somehow able deny password protection or authentication overrides?

thanks, appreciated...

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