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Thread: Major differences between 12.04/12.10/13.04?

i'm having problems 12.10 , 13.04 regarding steam (specifically team fortress 2 game) @ random point experience fps drop, 200 10. i'm not sure memory leak because whole system gets slow afterwards, reboot fix (sometimes lightdm restart).

created thread on steam linux discussions reporting how fix on 12.04.1 manually upgrading kernel 3.5.0-25 (link here), somehow if kernel comes system (like on 12.04.2/12.10/13.04) problem still persists.

love 13.04 , 12.10, can't see major differences in performance or else, in repositories (12.04 has "older" versions of majority of programs out there). so, makes 12.10/13.04 better 12.04?

13.04 has not been released yet not have this, tell of new 12.10 bunch of different flavors of ubuntu.

Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Major differences between 12.04/12.10/13.04?



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