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Thread: Third party email using Evolution

i have no idea go answer question, thought i'd start here. i'm having trouble configuring evolution send email through comcast server , personal site server. let me try clarify...

comcast isp. have personal web page , associated email accounts prefer use. @ moment, use 3 such email accounts, @ same site. have been using evolution deskto email client. using ports 110 , 25 send/receive email (bad idea, know). comcast no longer allows access ports, had switch ssl, ports 995 , 465. can set comcast email in evolution send , receive fine. can set other personal accounts receive email, can't configure send them via comcast server. here's configuration understand needs used (though i've tried variety of configurations):
- identify tab
- email address: <personal site address>
- reply-to: <personal address>
- receiving email tab
- server type: pop
- server: <personal site server>, port 995 (prescribed both personal site , comcast)
- user name: <personal address>
- security: ssl encryption
- authentication type: password (remember password checked)
- sending email tab
- server type: smtp
- server:
- port: 465
- server requires authentication: checked
- security: ssl encryption
- authentication type: login
- user name: <personal address> (remember password checked)

i'm on ubuntu 12.04 , evolution version 3.2.3.

if have thoughts, i'd appreciate hearing them. if know of better place can ask question, please let me know that, too. i'm not averse changing email clients if that's recommendation can get.


have tried on smtp: security=no encryption.
link might help:

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