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Thread: XCP-XAPI - How can I map the CD/DVD drive of dom0 (host) for use by domu (VMs)

how can map/mount cd/dvd drive of dom0 use virtual machines (domu). i'm talking xcp-xapi running ubuntu server 12.04 lts (on dom0). can not find anywhere how can solve this!

in link ( created complete roadmap on installing xcp-xapi on ubuntu server 12.04 lts, lack resolve problem put here!

command this: "xe sr-create content-type=iso device-config:location=/dev/sr0 name-label="hostdvddrive0" shared=true type=iso"

in command example cited above, device "hostdvddrive0" appears in "xencenter" not dvd/cd can attach virtual machines.

comrades, if not know answer, give me clue! little here appreciated!

need information complete wiki. information important ubuntu , xen community!


Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Virtualisation [ubuntu] XCP-XAPI - How can I map the CD/DVD drive of dom0 (host) for use by domu (VMs)



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