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Thread: Unable to access internet Ubuntu 10.04 LTS after motherboard upgrade

hi, not dedicated or experienced ubuntu user. years have had split system xp, win 7 , ubuntu 10.04 lts. have upgraded motherboard , cpu , find cannot on internet ubuntu 10.04. because have spare drives , because linux user 80 % , have installed fedora 18 on spare disk @ fedora linux option. can on internet partitions , live disks except ubuntu 10.04 ( present ubuntu 10.04 disk partition , old ubuntu live 10.04 live cd not allow internet access). new motherboard asrock z77 fatal1ty performance lan chip (broadcom bcm57781)
have had no problems in past ubuntu 10.04 connecting internet previous gigabyte motherboard , present win 7, win xp, fedora 18 partition, , live ubuntu cds 11.10 , 10 can connect internet, assume there incompatibility problem broadcom driver/chip , ubuntu 10.04. have spent 3 days trying sort out cannot find answer. there simple solution somewhere failed see or find it.

question , there convenient/ simple way save personal files , preferences dump ubuntu 12.04.2 lts when install on 10.04 lts partition? taking account partition (10.04 lts) cannot connect internet.

cheers wbool63

it possible 10.04 still trying use old network interface. try delete file /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules, , re-boot. file automatically re-created, whatever nics have now. (and "delete" mean save under different name, possibly restore later, in case not work expected.)

not know answer question asked (i use ubuntu server).

Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Installation & Upgrades [ubuntu] Unable to access internet Ubuntu 10.04 LTS after motherboard upgrade



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