Thread: [SOLVED] Terminal programs not working right
right now, i'm trying sister, runs ubuntu. (she's installed xfce because unity doesn't work when have parkinson's, it's not xubuntu.) found instructions on how install google earth, require copying things terminal, finds daunting. (i'm old-school cli hack; terminals don't scare me.) however, if opens terminal button on panel, there's no prompt , paste doesn't work. applications menu has both uterm , xterm. neither of them has menu bar, , right-click nothing, making paste impractical. and, commands rather complex, re-typing them isn't doing things easy way. if knows how terminals work, or @ least how find out why don't, we'd both appreciate it.
paste doesn't work.making paste impracticalshe can ctrl+c copy commands email, chat, instant message or document or etc. , open terminal window , pressif knows how terminals work, or @ least how find out why don't, we'd both appreciate it.
ctrl+shift+v ----------> key combination "paste" in terminal.
edit: sorry post, works on terminal , not on uterm , xterm.
edit again: link tells how paste in xterm using middle click button
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