Thread: Advanced format drive - replacing a failed RAID member
i have 8 disk array of seagate 1.5tb 5900 "green" drives.
had 1 go bad , seagate replaced under warranty.
drive got replacement "advanced format" drive.
code:old drive: model family: seagate barracuda lp serial number: 9xw05b85 5 reallocated_sector_ct 0x0033 100 100 036 pre-fail - 0 197 current_pending_sector 0x0012 100 100 000 old_age - 0 new drive: model family: seagate barracuda green (adv. format) serial number: 6yd05mn6 5 reallocated_sector_ct 0x0033 100 100 036 pre-fail - 0 197 current_pending_sector 0x0012 100 100 000 old_age - 0
block counts different on drives - new 1 larger.
used sfdisk duplicate partitons drive , added array.
it's few minutes away rebuilding.
how if problems different format drive cause me?
since used sfdisk , copied partition table on previous setup, work greatreason recommend use partitions vs. whole disk mdadm (it's nice able align partition).
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