Thread: Force my Squid users to authenticate
hi all!
have prepared squid server acts internet firewall / gateway.
works desired if disable proxy client's browser can surf internet without authentication.
don't want happen...
correct approach sure none can surf internet without authenticating?
i've tried iptables force them on port 3128 (squid listening there):
iptables -t nat -a prerouting -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j redirect --to-port 3128
after clients have not proxy configured in browsers get:
following error encountered:
invalid request
aspect of http request invalid. possible problems:
missing or unknown request method
missing url
missing http identifier (http/1.0)
request large
content-length missing post or put requests
illegal character in hostname; underscores not allowed
don't understand i'm doing wrong.
maybe should block traffic on port 80?
i'd appreciate know correct approach here keeping in mind authentication mandatory (and therefore transparent proxy not idea).
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