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Thread: high Cpu usage percentage although of Cgroup

although make cgroup , run process under still have high cpu usgae percentage in system monitor
here u code of cgroup put in cgconfig.conf :

group ahmedcpuusage {  # specify users can admin (set limits) group  perm {         admin {         uid = ahmedubuntu;          gid = ahmedubuntu;    }  #specify users can add tasks group     task {        uid = ahmedubuntu;         gid = ahmedubuntu;     }  }  # set cpu , memory limits group  cpu {     cpu.shares = 10;    }  }   mount  { cpu = /sys/fs//cgroup/ahmedcpu; }
run instance chorme browser :

`ahmedubuntu@ahmedubuntu:~$  cgexec -g cpu:ahmedcpuusage --sticky   google-chrome
wrong make doesnt work ?`p.s : processor dual core

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