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Thread: How Do I Mount My Media Folder?

not sure forum belongs in, please relocate if isn't.

dad upgraded ubuntu linux of 11.04 12.10 , had few issues regarding after had re-install since couldn't boot properly. may seem have 247 gb , 63 gb we're trying have on 247 gb moved on our new solution of folfders awaiting filled. but, there seems issue this.
yesterday while preparing install, few question came asking if should try force believe 'unmount' or 'mount' files or continue because wouldn't delete, create or resize if said yes. went no , can't open these files. on 247 believe photos, downloads, music, etc. 63 bit has dads business stuff , when tried clicking on them got error.

"unable mount 63 gb volume"
adding read acl uid 1000 '/media/ken' failed: operation not supported.

same message received 247 gb volume.

please in way , if can repair manually? because photos uploaded digital on here , majority of them are, not on camera more. besides, it's other information our business need. please , thank you!

you'd have give more infomation -- media folder supposed represent separate parition or usb stick or other type of media? how formatted -- fat32, ntfs, ext3/4?

Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Multimedia Software [ubuntu] How Do I Mount My Media Folder?



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