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Thread: mplayer spawning dozens of threads. How to prevent it?

i'm not using mplayer, several times per day, notice computer bogging down. checking system monitor, notice dozen or more "mplayer" threads running. kill them all, come later. use vlc watch movie , then, otherwise i'm not using video software (that know of.)

oh, have logitec usb webcam plugged in, , once or twice week run gtk uvc video recorder record short video @ desk, in case related?

i'm attaching screen shot of system monitor show many mplayer threads.
screenshot 2013-04-19 19:15:38.jpg
ideas on how stop mplayer replicating , bogging down computer?

in system monitor preferences, choose show command line may give hint running.
attached images attached images

Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Multimedia Software [ubuntu] mplayer spawning dozens of threads. How to prevent it?



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