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Thread: Can upgrading solve hibernate issues?

some time had hibernation working (most of time) on 12.04.

had reinstall , quite happy system. however, hibernation not work. notable difference former 12.04 install have raid-connected ssds (had 2x128, 1x256) , using xfce on gnome.

worth trying upgrade 12.10 or 13.04 in order hibernation work? caused raiding? i'd love have hibernate working properly.

i'm @ 64bit 12.04 on sony vaio z21v9e/b.

hello mreq,

think if remember right 12.04 comes hibernate not enabled. , here page telling how re-enable it.

being said - believe may have enable in xfce uninstalling xfce4 power manager , installing gnome power manager.

Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Installation & Upgrades [ubuntu] Can upgrading solve hibernate issues?



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