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Thread: Artefacts, screen flips

hi all, been while since posted on these forums.

i've been using ubuntu 12.10 default unity config (tried cinnamon preferred pre-config'd in mint).

i've noticed while @ random times during use of computer, artefacts appear throughout screen. either white boxes or image becomes pixellated somewhat. don't know if it's because of unity or compiz or fglrx drivers or what. in addition artefacts, entire screen flips upside down @ random moments, while i'm browsing internet. in both situations, go normal move mouse around. in case of screen flip, had one, , browsing forum post in google chrome. @ first, .gif signature image right-side-up. then, moved mouse, chrome window fixed itself, , finally, moved cursor (which, way, not get flipped) unity launcher. after entire screen normal.

have ideas? oh, , though catalyst control centre installed , i've changed settings (including v-sync on tear-free desktop), details in system settings still says vesa driver being used. bug?

oh-hoh! the screen flipped twice while typing this! here's screenshot of 1 of instances. note after pressing print screen on keyboard, text input box flipped upright. before pressed it, flipped.

any idea graphics card have? have been trying track down similar issue ubuntu installs display "corrupted". have nvidia card , tried install nvidia specific drivers cause system no longer recognize monitor regular monitor (claims it's laptop), gives me clean display, 1 has massive black bars on both sides of screen , no dash. gathering threads have read may particular nvidia cards, other threads seem claim it's issue in 12.10. if weren't spent couple days setting 12tb raid array , copying files it, might try , "backgrade" 12.04, @ point i'd rather deal funky screen possibly have redo massive transfer.


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