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Thread: Custom Suspend Script

hi all,

trying run script on-suspend goto login screen.. did

1. created file called /etc/pm/suspend.d/01_gotologin code below
#!/bin/bash  case "$1" in     suspend)         /usr/lib/lightdm/lightdm/gdmflexiserver         ;; esac
2. made file executable "sudo chmod +x "

when run script on own works fine..

on suspend error in pm-suspend.log
/usr/lib/pm-utils/sleep.d/00logging suspend suspend: success. running hook /usr/lib/pm-utils/sleep.d/00powersave suspend suspend:   /usr/lib/pm-utils/sleep.d/00powersave suspend suspend: success. running hook /etc/pm/sleep.d/01_gotologin suspend suspend:   /etc/pm/sleep.d/01_gotologin suspend suspend: returned exit code 1. mon apr 29 21:35:42 bst 2013: inhibit found, not perform suspend mon apr 29 21:35:42 bst 2013: running hooks resume running hook /usr/lib/pm-utils/sleep.d/00powersave resume suspend:
what doing wrong.. please help...

what trying accomplish?

gdmflexiserver creates new xsession on different virtual console, doesn't go login screen (it creates new one). plus, you're trying start when system suspending, doesn't make sense. have feeling isn't want do.

Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Ubuntu Development Version [ubuntu] Custom Suspend Script



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