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Thread: Dual Network: Wireless + LAN, and DNS priority.

i'm trying find way made 1 particular interface, , it's dhcp settings, priority on in regards dns lookup.

have laptop that's connected 2 networks, 1 via wireless, , 1 via ethernet. routing find, route 10.x addresses through wlan0 , default 0.x through eth0. however, i'm having trouble dns. can't seem find way make wlan0 priority network dns resolution. /etc/nsswitch.conf doesn't differentiate device. , /etc/resolve.conf dynamically updated based on primary device, right it's eth0 set

how can make wireless network primary device (for dns). can handle in general, , manually updated routing table change default route network cable.

*this solved (but can't mark thread "solved"): /etc/resolvconf/interface-order defines dns interface order. put wlan* above eth* , it's working perfectly.

you might able use prepend domain-name-servers line in /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf - if 1 interface (wlan0) has internet access.
won't force dns use wlano if eth0 can reach internet.

network manager lets specify dns server interface...

Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Networking & Wireless [ubuntu] Dual Network: Wireless + LAN, and DNS priority.



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