Getting the "real" visibleBounds with javascript...

hi all,

i'm have great deal of trouble this.

i can visible bounds of simple item or group of items.

the script is:


//get size selected items/groups

doc = app.activedocument;

sel = doc.selection;

tomm = 2.83466796875;


function dim(objs) {

    (i=objs.length-1;i>=0;i--) { // loop through collection of objects

        var bounds = objs[i].visiblebounds; // visibal bounds, visable bounds in cases...

        var b1 = bounds[0] /tomm;

        var b2 = bounds[1] /tomm;

        var b3 = bounds[2] /tomm;

        var b4 = bounds[3] /tomm;

        var w = math.abs(b3-b1).tofixed(1);

        var h = math.abs(b4-b2).tofixed(1);

        txt = doc.textframes.add(); // create text frame

        txt.contents = "size:  "+ h + " x " +w + " mm w";  // adds contents frame

        txt.position = [objs[i].left,objs[i].top - objs[i].height - 20]; // positions frame

};   };


i can correct size simple clipgroups.

script below:


//get size selected "simple" clipgroups

doc = app.activedocument;

grp = doc.groupitems;

tomm = 2.83466796875;


function dim(objs) {

    (i=objs.length-1;i>=0;i--) { // loop through total collection of groupitems

        if (objs[i].selected) { // test if groupitem selected


        var bounds = objs[i].pathitems[0].visiblebounds; // visibal bounds, visable bounds in cases...

        var b1 = bounds[0] /tomm;

        var b2 = bounds[1] /tomm;

        var b3 = bounds[2] /tomm;

        var b4 = bounds[3] /tomm;

        var w = math.abs(b3-b1).tofixed(1);

        var h = math.abs(b4-b2).tofixed(1);

        txt = doc.textframes.add(); // create text frame

        txt.contents = "size:  "+ h + " x " +w + " mm w";  // adds contents frame

        txt.position = [objs[i].left,objs[i].top - objs[i].height - 20]; // positions frame

}; }; }; };


i don't think merging these 1 script hard.

if clip groups clipping path not first item can loop path items find it.

its more complex items can't handle on.



how deal multiple cilp groups within clip groups?

here link zip file containing above 2 scripts.

and test file shapes in it.

top 2 rows of shapes work fine size.jsx

first item on bottom row works clipsize.jsx

second item on bottom row work clipsize.jsx, if added loop through "pathitems".

last item on bottom row has me stumped...

does not matter clip group measured, both wrong.

and still quite simple shape...


any great.

thanks guys...

you have use recursive method , check last parent item in group.


i nickname, haha.

More discussions in Illustrator Scripting



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