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Thread: cpu temperature (high)

my laptop k42jp(asus).
4gig ram
cpu : core i3
amd readon hd 6570m installed additional drive.

cpu work hight temperature
ubuntu 12.04.2 32bit
please me solve hight temperature.

[codeadapter: virtual device
temp1: +65.0°c (crit = +93.0°c)

adapter: isa adapter
core 0: +60.0°c (high = +80.0°c, crit = +90.0°c)
core 2: +70.0°c (high = +80.0°c, crit = +90.0°c)][/code]

75 - 86 °c

it's not clear me asking. if getting excessive temperatures:

flashlight, open case , inspect closely dust. sure check heatsinks. clogged dust, cat hair, lint, tiny green men mars, etc. check grills. clean. use vacuum cleaner if need to. or can of pressurised air. or twist tie can poke in between vanes of heat sinks.

make sure fans working. little fan on top of cpu. big case ventilation fans. power supply fan. if isn't enough solve problem need more or bigger fans. more cfm better. temporary measure might point box fan directly housing case open. buy badass fans someplace newegg or tiger. there more extraordinary steps can take cool system more if had kind of system needed immersion coolling or other star trek stuff, you'd know it. see if solves problem anyway. if i've misunderstood question, please restate more clearly.

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