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Thread: Openssh 6.2 to be added to repositories?

is there plan add latest version of openssh 6.2 repositories? has lot of helpful features , improvements on 5.9.

i doubt much, that's not how ubuntu repositories work.

when version of ubuntu released of packages frozen @ whatever version on. updates make repositories bug fixes , security updates, never major version jumps.

example 12.04 released 3.5.4 version of libreoffice , ever minor upgrades, example 3.5.5, 3.5.6 these bug fixes , security updates. version 4.x.x never available in official ubuntu repositories 12.04, in 4 years time still on version 3 if libreoffice have since released 5, 6 etc...

can see version of package available different versions of ubuntu searching package database...

Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Installation & Upgrades [all variants] Openssh 6.2 to be added to repositories?



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