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Thread: Reboot fails on 13.04 ('successfully' upgraded 13.04 from 12.10)

hi all,

servers booted 13.04 fine first time after upgrade, although still saw motd notice "new release '13.04' available.\nrun 'do-release-upgrade' upgrade it." after booting 13.04

refreshed apt (update / dist-upgrade... 0 changes) , rebooted again...

time, rather completing reboot...:
* asking remaining processes terminate...
* killing remaining processes... [fail]
* switch single-user mode
give root password maintenance
(or type control-d continue):
still pingable, sshd dead... frustrating dedicated servers

bump: else problem? i've experienced on machines (5 in total) i've updated 12.10 13.04.. 2 of dedicated headless servers , i've had pay onsite technician call-outs hard-reset =/

Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Installation & Upgrades [ubuntu] Reboot fails on 13.04 ('successfully' upgraded 13.04 from 12.10)



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