Thread: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS DHCP only working from router not modem
alright, because didn't know begin in googlin' department decided create post it.
not new linux , think have fair understanding on unix system.
have created 2 new servers today running 12.04 lts, same hardware. using same dvd install software.
first servers worked "like boss", pugged network cable ethernet port , other in dumb switch. switch pugged router , able pull dhcp stuff modem, proceeded make them static. worked fine. , running.
here comes purpose of question... on server number 2 did same stuff did on other server, however, unable pull dhcp settings modem , here troubleshooting:
- so unplugged 1 of other servers working , pugged in port on switch (checking if port bad)... didn't work
- used other server's network cable (checking if cable bad)... didn't work
- went original cable , pugged router , pulled dhcp settings
so, why cannot not pulled dhcp settings modem pull them router. disk have gotten damaged 1 disk try other one?
are hostnames different?
Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] Ubuntu 12.04 LTS DHCP only working from router not modem
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