Need Help with Left Outer Join
i have list of courses clients have signed for. when click on view button, lists attendees course, shows remove button , once have completed survey, show survey button perusal.
the surveys showing on right not surveys particular course. dilemma each student may have taken more 1 course, completing more 1 survey. so, earlier survey showing instead of current survey.
i have 2 tables have joined left out join, still trying wrap head around concept.
signups | course eval |
signup_id – primary key rid – courseid userid coursetitle property calendardate company firstname, lastname, phone
| eval_id, - primary key rid - courseid userid |
the signups table left outer joined course_eval table query below:
the #rid#, courseid sent previous page.
<cfquery name="getsignups" datasource="#application.dsn#">
select signups.coursetitle,,signups.calendardate,,signups.firstna me,signups.lastname,,,signups.userid,signups.signup_id,signups.r id,course_eval.userid,course_eval.eval_id
from signups
left outer join course_eval on signups.userid = course_eval.userid
where signups.rid = #rid#
my output:
<cfloop query="getsignups">
<td>#rid# - #firstname# #lastname#|<a href="mailto:#email#">#email#</a></td>
<td>ph: #phone#</td>
<td width="24"><a href="showsignups.cfm?signup_id=#signup_id#&go=go" class="button">remove</a></td>
<cfif eval_id gt ""><td width="24"><a href="../../forms/surveys.cfm?userid=#userid#" class="button">survey</a></td><cfelse><td width="24"> </td></cfif>
how appropriate course show ?
the join should on "userid" , "rid", otherwise you'll multiple records course_eval table (one each course particular student has signed for). line:
left outer join course_eval on signups.userid = course_eval.userid
should be
left outer join course_eval on signups.userid = course_eval.userid , signups.rid = course_eval.rid
a few other suggestions:
- <cfqueryparam> #rid# in clause performance , protection sql injection.
- if change <cfoutput> <cfoutput query="getsignups"> can remove inner loop entirely.
-carl v.
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