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Thread: installed compiz on new partition (shared /home) broke the other partition!

i want have 2 partitions installs sharing same /home folder. in addition existing partition ubuntu 12.04, created new partition, installed lubuntu 13.04. after installing compiz , tweaking bit, changes /home partition must have affected other partition, because 12.04 boots can't make windows work. guess ubuntu depends on compiz work?

can fix sort of incompatibility? anyone?

is /home partition separate 2 os partitions? if should not compiz causing problem, perhaps differences in versions of of applications on both oss keep configuration files or folders in /home.

may 1 of situations better keep /home in root partition of each os , share data partition.

Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Desktop Environments [lubuntu] installed compiz on new partition (shared /home) broke the other partition!



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