getting exit code 7 when trying to install elements 11
hi im wondering why im getting error when trying install on mac book?
exit code: 7
-------------------------------------- summary --------------------------------------
- 0 fatal error(s), 22 error(s), 2 warning(s)
----------- payload: {f6f5021e-0548-43c1-82cc-c5c7a6906585} camera profiles installer -----------
error: ds001: failed mount disk image @ /volumes/photoshop elements 11/adobe photoshop elements 11/payloads/elementscamerarawprofile7.0all/elementscamerarawprofile7.0all.dmg. please verify disk image not corrupt.
warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure
----------- payload: {fa19351d-e98c-48c1-b5e1-0c8c42b5e11c} adobe photoshop elements 11 -----------
error: df027: unable copy file "/private/tmp/.tempdirtj10on8q/assets2/libappsupport/photo creations/frames/element_goldenframe.psd" "/library/application support/adobe/photoshop elements/11.0/photo creations/frames/element_goldenframe.psd" error 0(seq 2901)
error: dw063: command arkcopyfilecommand failed.(seq 2901)
error: df024: unable restore file @ "/library/application support/adobe/photoshop elements/11.0/photo creations/frames/element_goldenframe.psd" backup @ "/private/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n0000000000000/t/cleanup @ startup/.temppqewv6" error 0(seq 2901)
error: dw063: error rolling command arkdeletefilecommand(seq 2901)
error: df023: unable delete file "/applications/adobe photoshop elements 11/support files/adobe photoshop elements". error 0(seq 2)
error: dw063: error rolling command arkcopyfilecommand(seq 2)
error: df001: unable permissions of "/applications/adobe photoshop elements 11/support files/adobe photoshop elements"(seq 2)
error: dw063: error rolling command arkcreatedirectorycommand(seq 2)
error: df001: unable permissions of "/applications/adobe photoshop elements 11/support files/adobe photoshop elements"(seq 2)
error: dw063: error rolling command arkcreatedirectorycommand(seq 2)
error: df001: unable permissions of "/applications/adobe photoshop elements 11/support files"(seq 2)
error: dw063: error rolling command arkcreatedirectorycommand(seq 2)
error: df015: unable delete symlink "/applications/adobe photoshop elements 11/adobe photoshop elements 11"(seq 1)
error: dw063: error rolling command arkcopysymlinkcommand(seq 1)
error: df001: unable permissions of "/applications/adobe photoshop elements 11"(seq 1)
error: dw063: error rolling command arkcreatedirectorycommand(seq 1)
warning: dw036: payload cannot installed due dependent operation failure
error: dw050: following payload errors found during install:
error: dw050: - camera profiles installer_7.1_elementscamerarawprofile7.0all: install failed
error: dw050: - camera profiles installer: install failed
error: dw050: - adobe photoshop elements 11_adobephotoshopelements11_en_us: install failed
error: dw050: - adobe photoshop elements 11: failed due language pack installation failure
hi amyeperkins,
welcome adobe forums.
please refer below article
for troubleshooting specific photoshop elements refer one.
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